My journey
I discovered and practiced Yoga for the first time in 1999 when I was still in high school. This first class left me with benefits that I have never forgotten! After many years of deepening Yoga and a spiritual life, my teacher wanted to pass on her knowledge to me. She took charge of me exclusively so that I could become a teacher in my turn. Supported by her association, I had the chance to receive authentic and unique teaching and training for several years, on the master to disciple model, benefiting daily from her great experience.
I also deepened my knowledge, experience, and teaching techniques by following the teachings of the Swamis** at the renowned Satyananda Yoga Center of Aube*** (formerly the Chesley Ashram, affiliated with the Bihar School of Yoga in Munger, India) through the study and practice of Hatha Yoga, Satyananda Yoga, Nada Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, and Yoga Nidra.
After obtaining a teaching certification, I began teaching classes within the association community.
Today, I offer personalized sessions, either individually or in small private groups, to provide you with the best possible conditions for practice and to support your progress. I travel to your home to ensure optimal comfort, in Troyes and the Aube region.
I decided to live simply to free myself as much as possible from all pressure and commercial logic. This way, I can offer an authentic and human teaching model that allows me to best support my students, taking all the time needed for them. To this end, I deliberately limit the total number of people I accompany to a small number.
I live Yoga daily and am happy to teach it. The transmission of this discipline is a passion and a dedication that gives meaning to life. I advance on my spiritual path by enriching my classes a little more each day with my experience.
* A "Yogi" is more than just a practitioner or teacher. He is a person who has made Yoga his whole life and "lives" in Yoga. A Yogi pursues his spiritual progress without having to call on outside help. The term "Yogi" cannot be used to designate simple practitioners who take classes or even young teachers without deep and old experience.
** A "Swami" is a monk, a yogi (man or woman) who serves others and has renounced the world to fully dedicate themselves to the effort of experiencing the highest spiritual realization (awakening or self-realization). It is also a title given to those recognized as spiritual masters.
*** The Satyananda Yoga Center of Aube no longer exists, but its activities of publishing Yoga books are still active: more info here.