Who Am I?

Vincent Piloy, Yogi* traveling on the spiritual path and devoted guide

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My discovery of Yoga more than 26 years ago revealed a real path in life to me!

I'm a simple person who aspires to live connected to the essence and source of things, where peace and purity reside. In this increasingly complex and agitated world, I'm convinced that our current existence aims to help us evolve on this path by reconnecting to our deep Self and a simpler life, closer to our aspirations. We must learn to uncondition ourselves to live and fully experience the present moment!

Listen to the wind, it sings,
Listen to the silence, it speaks,
Listen to your heart, it knows.

Native American Wisdom

It's in simplicity, reconnecting with the heart and intuition, that we regain our ability to listen and to "be."

I found in Yoga a clear and fulfilling framework to follow this path. This comprehensive discipline addresses all aspects of life! I approach Yoga from a universal perspective, allowing its depth to be easily assimilated by everyone: each person I accompany sees concrete progress in relaxation and with kindness.

More than a teacher, I'm a guide. I'm always attentive to you to enable you to become the artisan of your own well-being and evolution!

Also sensitive to spirituality and the culture of the First Nations of America, I'm a passionate player of the Native American Flute. Outside of sessions, you may find me by a lake or in a forest, playing this sacred instrument that speaks to the soul...

My journey

I discovered and practiced Yoga for the first time in 1999 when I was still in high school. This first class left me with benefits that I have never forgotten! After many years of deepening Yoga and a spiritual life, my teacher wanted to pass on her knowledge to me. She took charge of me exclusively so that I could become a teacher in my turn. Supported by her association, I had the chance to receive authentic and unique teaching and training for several years, on the master to disciple model, benefiting daily from her great experience.

I also deepened my knowledge, experience, and teaching techniques by following the teachings of the Swamis** at the renowned Satyananda Yoga Center of Aube*** (formerly the Chesley Ashram, affiliated with the Bihar School of Yoga in Munger, India) through the study and practice of Hatha Yoga, Satyananda Yoga, Nada Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, and Yoga Nidra.

After obtaining a teaching certification, I began teaching classes within the association community.

Today, I offer personalized sessions, either individually or in small private groups, to provide you with the best possible conditions for practice and to support your progress. I travel to your home to ensure optimal comfort, in Troyes and the Aube region.

I decided to live simply to free myself as much as possible from all pressure and commercial logic. This way, I can offer an authentic and human teaching model that allows me to best support my students, taking all the time needed for them. To this end, I deliberately limit the total number of people I accompany to a small number.

I live Yoga daily and am happy to teach it. The transmission of this discipline is a passion and a dedication that gives meaning to life. I advance on my spiritual path by enriching my classes a little more each day with my experience.

* A "Yogi" is more than just a practitioner or teacher. He is a person who has made Yoga his whole life and "lives" in Yoga. A Yogi pursues his spiritual progress without having to call on outside help. The term "Yogi" cannot be used to designate simple practitioners who take classes or even young teachers without deep and old experience.

** A "Swami" is a monk, a yogi (man or woman) who serves others and has renounced the world to fully dedicate themselves to the effort of experiencing the highest spiritual realization (awakening or self-realization). It is also a title given to those recognized as spiritual masters.

*** The Satyananda Yoga Center of Aube no longer exists, but its activities of publishing Yoga books are still active: more info here.

Teaching Certification


(4-year training program)

• In-depth pedagogy of practices and teaching (Asanas, Pranayama, Mudras, Bandhas, Shatkarmas, Meditation)

• Teaching simulations

• Knowledge assessments

• Advanced practice cycles of Hatha Yoga (daily personal practice supervised over four years, modules 1, 2, 3, and 4/4)

• Philosophy of Yoga, ancient texts

• Anatomy/physiology

• Final project on Mudras and Bandhas

Satyananda Yoga Center of Aube
(former Chesley Ashram)

• Pedagogy of Hatha Yoga according to Satyananda Yoga

Yoga aimed at achieving purity of body and mind through the balance of dual energies, from the holistic perspective of Satyananda tradition teachings.

• Yoga Nidra (authentic from the Satyananda tradition)

Deep relaxation and meditation technique.

• Kundalini Yoga

Advanced Yoga for the activation of Chakras and Nadis and the progressive awakening of Kundalini.

• Nada Yoga

Yoga of inner sound.

I'm also very sensitive to the rich spirituality of the Native Americans, as they have always remained connected to the essentials!

My visual identity and my logo, shown here, pay tribute to them and also allow me to highlight the universality of Yoga by moving away from the traditional Eastern stereotypes of postures and lotus flowers. In Native American culture, the circle is a powerful holistic symbol that encompasses all the essential elements of life: the cardinal directions, the four seasons, the four stages of life (childhood, youth, adulthood, and old age), the elements that make up a human being (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual), and so on. The feather, on the other hand, symbolizes peace and freedom of spirit. All these elements resonate with our practice of Yoga!

This rich culture combined with the practice of Yoga has also sparked my interest in studying the shamanic abilities inherent in every human being.

Logo vincent piloy

My method

My method is based on a simple observation: Yoga is a science of life! We experience it in its universal, non-dogmatic form, creating bridges between cultures and approaches, especially scientific ones.

Here, practices are approached by offering you a deep understanding, allowing you to evolve without being chained to a limited or oppressive framework.

Yoga is freedom, and I have chosen to focus on the essence to maintain a practice that is meaningful. I have observed for years the positive effects of this approach, which resonates with our true nature.

You practice with kindness and clarity to learn to accept your weaknesses and not to conflict with yourself. You start from where you are to progress toward a state of harmony and wholeness.

You are continuously accompanied and supported to let Yoga and its benefits permeate your entire life.

It's for everyone! It's a living learning process in which you discover within yourself an immense potential for fulfillment!

I view the transmission of Yoga as a dedication that helps give meaning to life.